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Understanding Instant Settlement in Finance: What is T+0 Settlement?
Understanding Instant Settlement in Finance: What is T+0 Settlement?

Understanding Instant Settlement in Finance: What is T+0 Settlement?

Imagine buying or selling stocks and having the deal settled instantly, without the usual waiting period. This isn’t just a dream anymore – it’s the reality with T+0 settlement. Let’s dive into what T+0 settlement means for Indian traders and investors, and how it’s poised to revolutionize the way we trade.

Understanding T+0 Settlement

T+0 settlement means that transactions are settled on the same day they are executed, as opposed to the traditional T+1 settlement where it takes a day to finalize transactions. Under the current system, sellers often receive only 80% of their cash on the day of sale, with the remaining 20% held until the following day. But with T+0 settlement, sellers get instant access to 100% of their cash on the day of the transaction.

How Does It Work?

The T+0 settlement cycle will have two phases. In the first phase, trades made up to 1:30 pm will be considered for settlement, which must be completed by 4:30 pm. Trading will then resume from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm in the second phase, with the first phase discontinued.

Benefits and Opportunities

The introduction of T+0 settlement brings a host of benefits for traders and investors in India. Immediate liquidity allows for quicker reactions to market movements, particularly in highly volatile sessions. Retail investors, especially those with limited cash, stand to benefit significantly, as T+0 settlement optimizes fund utilization and facilitates swift returns for swing traders.

Regulatory Framework and Implementation

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has released a framework for the optional adoption of the T+0 settlement cycle’s beta version. Initially, a limited set of brokers and a select group of 25 scrips will participate in the shortened trading cycle. SEBI will evaluate the results at three- and six-month intervals to determine the next steps.

Implications and Considerations

While T+0 settlement promises a more streamlined trading process and reduced risk exposure for retail investors, there may be technical limitations and glitches in the early stages due to the high volume of trades. However, SEBI’s aim is to boost investor confidence and simplify the trading process for retail investors, ultimately creating a win-win situation for all stakeholders.


With T+0 settlement, Indian exchanges are demonstrating their commitment to innovation and market competitiveness. While investors need to adapt to this change, they can leverage technology, smart risk management, and market expertise to seize opportunities and navigate the evolving landscape of Indian finance.

By embracing T+0 settlement, India’s financial markets are poised for greater efficiency, accessibility, and resilience in the years to come.

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