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mutual funds
mutual funds

Unlocking Wealth and Tax Benefits: A Comprehensive Guide to Equity Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS)

Mutual funds have revolutionized the investment landscape by pooling investors’ money into diversified portfolios. One notable member of this financial family is the Equity Linked Saving Scheme (ELSS), a unique mutual fund offering that combines enticing features for investors seeking returns and tax benefits. ELSS allocates a significant 80% of its corpus to equity, promising substantial returns, while the remaining 20% is devoted to fixed income instruments, ensuring capital protection and risk mitigation.

Among its attractive attributes is the tax deduction advantage. ELSS investors enjoy tax exemption up to Rs 1,50,000 under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961, leading to substantial savings in taxable income. This deduction, when combined with other tax benefits, can lead to significant annual tax savings of up to Rs 46,800, providing a strong incentive for investors to participate.

ETFs vs Mutual Funds: Understanding the Key Differences

Investors often find themselves confused when it comes to differentiating between Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) and Mutual Funds (MFs). In this blog post, we will delve into the disparities between ETFs and MFs, shedding light on their types and associated charges.

Exchange-Traded Funds are investment instruments traded on stock exchanges, designed to replicate the performance of a specific index. One of the notable advantages of ETFs is that they do not have a minimum initial capital requirement, allowing investors to enter the market with any amount they are comfortable with. Additionally, ETFs can be bought and sold like stocks, and investors have the flexibility to define the quantity they wish to purchase.

Why is ROI the Pillar of Every Investment? 

ROI, or return on investment, is a key metric for every investor. It measures the total return (or losses) your investment has yielded, expressed as a percentage of the initial investment. Knowing your ROI helps you understand the potential returns your investments can earn and make wise decisions in picking the right asset classes for your risk and return appetite.